Frequently Asked Questions

How soon should I contact you?

It is best to contact us right away. That way you can have time for your free in-home estimate and time to think about what services would work best for you. Then you'll be able to schedule your move date. During the early summer is a popular time to move since it offers people vacation time and cooler temperatures.

We have super delicate items, will you be able to handle them?

Most definitely. We take every precaution to make sure that nothing is damaged while packing, loading, unloading and unpacking. Our staff is extremely qualified. They have gone through many hours of training and supervision.

You will pack our stuff?

If you choose to select that service, we will pack up your house or business for you. We will take great care of your items and carefully label each box so that it makes unpacking in your new house just as easy as us packing it up.

What steps do you use to protect our floor?

When it is necessary we will protect your floor. We have a few different techniques that will ensure that your floors stay protected. One way is laying wood down that can hold wait and doesn't scratch up the floor. If it's raining out, we will lay plastic down so that there are no tracks through the house.

Will you dissemble and reassemble our fixtures and furniture?

If it's too big to fit through door ways or it's easier to maneuver, we will dissemble the piece and put it back together in the new space.

When is it best to move my business?

Moving on a weekend allows the time when no one if around and it doesn't interrupt daily business. If weekends don't work, we can move during the night or early morning. When ever the best time for your business is when we will help your move.

Can the movers transport my pets or myself?

There are no safe parts in the truck for a pet and for liability issues, we cannot transport pets our any people who are not workers. It's best for you to keep all valuables and personal items with you so they are available when you need them.

Where do you provide service?

We can pick your stuff up in any of these fine cities below and take them anywhere. We also do national service. It's best to call us and tell us your situation so that we can devise a plan to help you. Check out our service area page for more information.